This will be a big year for us at the SfN conference ‘Neuroscience 2023’, as we’re launching our new RCA- type probe with a breakthrough capability for high-resolution volumetric imaging. Join us at Booth 123 to find out more about it, and what it could mean for your brain research.

The annual ‘Neuroscience’ conference – colloquially known as ‘SfN’ after its organizers the Society for Neuroscience – has always been a major event for us. But this year, at SfN 2023 in Washington D.C., we’ll be making even more of an impact than usual, with the release of our new probe for volumetric fUS imaging, IcoPrime-4D RCA.

IcoPrime-4D RCA uses a ‘row-column addressed’ (RCA) probe format with our own groundbreaking advances in Doppler imaging and processing. The result is the ability to carry out volumetric functional ultrasound imaging of the brain at an astonishing 100 µm³ resolution, along with a fast frame rate and unmatched sensitivity.
If you’re involved in brain imaging research, you’ll want to be first in line to find out about it! So please join us at Booth 123 from 11–15 November, to see our new probe in action, discuss its capabilities with our experts, and discover the amazing opportunities it offers for research into brain function and vascular mapping.
To be sure you get the chance to talk to us, why not book a slot with one of our Application Specialists? Simply let us know a suitable time, and we’ll be in touch.