In early May 2022, we’ll be heading to London to attend the Joint Annual Meeting of ISMRM–ESMRMB, to speak to users of magnetic resonance equipment about the challenges they face in their research, and how fUS might be able to help. We look forward to seeing you there!

In a few weeks’ time, we’ll be on the Eurostar to London, to attend what is the key event in the calendar for users of magnetic resonance – the Joint Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) and the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB).
With sessions on areas ranging from neurological and cardiovascular applications to data acquisition and multimodal imaging, ISMRM–ESMRMB is sure to be an excellent event for anyone interested in medical imaging, and we’re definitely looking forward to it.
As a conference aimed primarily at users of magnetic resonance, we’ll be using the opportunity to help understand the challenges faced by researchers and medical practitioners – particularly in neuroscience – and to get their thoughts on the potential of fUS for their applications. In doing so, we hope to gain insights that will help us improve our fUS systems even more, and ensure that the solutions we offer address the most pressing challenges in medical research.
Our fUS Applications Specialists Drs Jeremy Ferrier and Haleh Soleimanzad will be available at Stand C32 to hear directly from attendees, and they will have some of our fUS probes on show too, to give an idea of how their small size allows them to be used on smaller animals such as rodents. We also expect to have on-booth a new brochure featuring our full range of fUS probes.
The conference will be held in London from 7–12 May 2022, and you can register for it on the conference webpage.
We look forward to seeing you there!