Publications on functional ultrasound
For over 10 years, researchers around the world and Iconeus engineers have been developing the technology of functional ultrasound, and using it to gain interesting insights into brain function. Many of their results have been published in high-profile journals such as Nature, Science Translational Medicine and Neuron.
Below you’ll find a comprehensive (but not exhaustive) list of publications covering all aspects of functional ultrasound.
PhysiofUS : a tissue-motion based method for heart and breathing rate assessment in neurofunctional ultrasound imaging
Nicolas Zucker, Samuel Le Meur-Diebolt, Felipe Cybis Pereira, Jerome Baranger, Isabella Hurvitz, Charlie Demené, Bruno Osmanski, Nathalie Ialy-Radio, Valérie Biran, Olivier Baud, Sophie Pezet, Thomas Deffieux, Mickael Tanter
Hierarchical encoding of natural sounds mixtures in ferret auditory cortex
Agnès Landemard, Célian Bimbard, Yves Boubenec doi: bioRxiv
Temporal-Coherence Induces Binding of Responses to Sound Sequences in Ferret Auditory Cortex
Kai Lu, Kelsey Dutta, Ali Mohammed, Mounya Elhilali, Shihab Shamma iScience
Western diet since adolescence impairs brain functional hyperemia at adulthood in mice: rescue by a balanced ω-3: ω-6polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio International Journal of Obesity
Haleh Soleimanzad, Clémentine Morisset, Mireia Montaner, Frédéric Pain, Christophe Magnan, Mickaël Tanter and Hirac Gurden
Assessment of microvascular flow in human atherosclerotic carotid plaques using ultrasound localization microscopy
Mickaël Pereira, Marine Droguerre, Marco Valdebenito, Louis Vidal, Guillaume Marcy, Sarah Benkeder, Jean-Christophe Comte, Olivier Pascual, Luc Zimmer, View ORCID ProfileBenjamin Vidal doi: bioRxiv
Induction of hemodynamic traveling waves by glial-related vasomotion in a rat model of neuroinflammation: implications for functional neuroimaging
Mickaël Pereira, Marine Droguerre, Marco Valdebenito, Louis Vidal, Guillaume Marcy, Sarah Benkeder, Jean-Christophe Comte, Olivier Pascual, Luc Zimmer, View ORCID ProfileBenjamin Vidal doi: bioRxiv
Premotor cortex hemodynamics reflect internal auditory category, not reported category
Jeff Boucher, Shihab Shamma, Yves Boubenec bioRxiv
Novel intravital approaches to quantify deep vascular structure and perfusion in the aging mouse brain using ultrasound localization microscopy (ULM).
Nyúl-Tóth Á, Negri S, Sanford M, Jiang R, Patai R, Budda M, Petersen B, Pinckard J, Chandragiri SS, Shi H, Reyff Z, Ballard C, Gulej R, Csik B, Ferrier J, Balasubramanian P, Yabluchanskiy A, Cleuren A, Conley S, Ungvari Z, Csiszar A, Tarantini S. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2024 Nov;44(11):1378-1396. doi: 10.1177/0271678X241260526.
Exploring Neural Dynamics in the Auditory Telencephalon of Crows using Functional Ultrasound Imaging
Diana A Liao, Eva Schwarzbach, Andreas Nieder doi: – bioRxiv
Functional Ultrasound Imaging Reveals Activation Properties of Clinical Spinal Cord Stimulation Therapy Stimulation Programming
Koeun Lim, P Sean Slee, Andrew Kibler, Steven Falowski, Kasra Amirdelfan doi: – bioRxiv