Publications on functional ultrasound

For over 10 years, researchers around the world and Iconeus engineers have been developing the technology of functional ultrasound, and using it to gain interesting insights into brain function. Many of their results have been published in high-profile journals such as Nature, Science Translational Medicine and Neuron.

Below you’ll find a comprehensive (but not exhaustive) list of publications covering all aspects of functional ultrasound.
Year published
Year published - slider

Editorial: In vivo functional neuroimaging for pharmacology.

Vidal B, Zimmer L. Editorial: In vivo functional neuroimaging for pharmacology. Front Neurosci. 2023 Sep 21;17:1279587. doi:10.3389/fnins.2023.1279587.

Functional ultrasound detects frequency-specific acute and delayed S-ketamine effects in the healthy mouse brain.

Ionescu TM, Grohs-Metz G, Hengerer B. Functional ultrasound detects frequency-specific acute and delayed S-ketamine effects in the healthy mouse brain. Front Neurosci. 2023 May 17;17:1177428. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1177428.

Microscale acoustic metamaterials as conformal sonotransparent skull prostheses.

Kim G, Rabut C, Ling B, Shapiro M, Daraio C. Microscale acoustic metamaterials as conformal sonotransparent skull prostheses. Res Sq [Preprint]. 2023 May doi: 10.21203/

Mapping Pharmacologically Evoked Neurovascular Activation and Its Suppression in a Rat Model of Tremor Using Functional Ultrasound: A Feasibility Study.

Nayak R, Lee J, Sotoudehnia S, Chang SY, Fatemi M, Alizad A. Mapping Pharmacologically Evoked Neurovascular Activation and Its Suppression in a Rat Model of Tremor Using Functional Ultrasound: A Feasibility Study. Sensors (Basel). 2023 Aug 3;23(15):6902. doi: 10.3390/s23156902.

Pharmaco-fUS in cognitive impairment: Lessons from a preclinical model.

Vidal B, Pereira M, Valdebenito M, Vidal L, Mouthon F, Zimmer L, Charvériat M, Droguerre M. Pharmaco-fUS in cognitive impairment: Lessons from a preclinical model. J Psychopharmacol. 2022 Nov;36(11):1273-1279. https://doi:10.1177/02698811221128963.

Functional ultrasound imaging: a new imaging modality for neuroscience

T. Deffieux, C. Demené, M. Tanter
Neuroscience, 2021, 474: 110-121,

Challenges and perspectives of the hybridization of PET with functional MRI or ultrasound for neuroimaging

N. Tournier, C. Comtat, V. Lebon, J.L. Gennisson
Neuroscience, 2020, 474: 80-93,.

Pharmaco-fUS: Quantification of pharmacologically-induced dynamic changes in brain perfusion and connectivity by functional ultrasound imaging in awake mice

C. Rabut, J. Ferrier, A. Bertolo, B. Osmanski, X. Mousset, S. Pezet, T. Deffieux, Z. Lenkei, M. Tanter
Neuroimage, 2020, 222: 117231,

Chronic imaging of mouse brain: From optical systems to functional ultrasound

K. Kılıç, J. Tang, Ş.E. Erdener, S. Sunil, J.T. Giblin, B.S. Lee, D.D. Postnov, A. Chen, D.A. Boas
Current Protocols in Neuroscience, 2020, 93:e98,

Ultrafast doppler for neonatal brain imaging

C. Demené, J. Mairesse, J. Baranger, M. Tanter, O. Baud
Neuroimage, 2019, 185: 851-856,