- Elementor Page #11894
- Iconeus Functional Ultrasound (fUS) imaging systems
- Iconeus One
- What is functional ultrasound (fUS)?
- Applications of fUS brain imaging
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Posts by category
- Category: Collaborations
- ICONEUS ONE is now listed at UNIHA, the largest GPO (Group Purchasing Organization) in the field of medical devices, in France.
- Iconeus to assist project on childhood neurodevelopment
- Iconeus completes assembly of the first Iconeus One functional ultrasound system for clinical research
- Major EU funding award opens prospect of functional ultrasound in humans with microscopic resolution
- Iconeus joins project to facilitate research into brain injury in premature infants
- Category: Events
- A packed program for fUS at SfN 2024
- Iconeus to present functional Ultrasound at SfN 2024 in Chicago
- First MINISYMPOSIA on fUS Imaging at SfN 2024
- A memorable FENS Forum for Iconeus
- Iconeus to present latest fUS advances at the FENS Forum 2024
- World Autism Awareness Day: Iconeus co-founder interviewed about early diagnosis of ASD
- Making the case for fUS at AD/PD
- Meet Iconeus at AD/PD 2024 in Portugal
- Webinar-Functional Ultrasound Neuroimaging : Principles, Applications & Perspectives
- Iconeus to launch breakthrough probe for volumetric fUS imaging at SfN neuroscience conference 2023
- Iconeus co-founder to speak at Panta Rei symposium
- Meet Iconeus at Brain & Brain PET 2023
- Iconeus sponsors functional microcirculation symposium
- Iconeus to sponsor LEARNMEM 2023
- Join us at EMIM 2023
- Webinar: Multimodal neuroimaging using functional ultrasound
- Iconeus to demonstrate fUS equipment at the first ISBUS conference
- Iconeus to highlight fUS advances at SfN conference 2022
- Meet Iconeus at ESM-Coimbra2022 in Portugal
- Iconeus to exhibit at the FENS Forum 2022
- fUSbrain 2022: Conference highlights from Corsica
- Countdown to fUSbrain 2022
- Join us at the ISMRM–ESMRMB conference in London
- Webinar: Insights into stroke and neurovascular diseases using in vivo imaging
- fUSbrain2022: Conference Scholarship Poster Competition opens for entries
- Come and visit Iconeus at the FENS 2020 Virtual Forum!
- Functional ultrasound experts meet at the first fUSBrain conference
- Category: New features
- Category: Science
- Using fUS to investigate the effect of diet on brain health
- 2024 in review: A transformative year for Iconeus
- Real-time fUS imaging of human brain activity through an acoustic window.
- First study published on clinical use of Iconeus fUS equipment
- New research using fUS uncovers role of minor blood vessels on the success of ischemic stroke treatment
- Iconeus software aids development of fUS-driven brain–machine interfaces
- Highly sensitive, non-invasive functional connectivity mapping in the mouse brain using simultaneous multi-slice fUS imaging
- First publication on ‘functional ULM’ reveals brain-wide neurovascular activity with high resolution
- fUS Imaging reveals the dynamics of brain states in newborns
- Three peer-reviewed studies validate the use of fUS for neuropharmacological studies
- Key publications by Iconeus founders highlight major advances in fUS methodology and applications
- fUS Experts share views on the future of multidimensional imaging
- Category: Staff
- A new phase of growth for Iconeus
- Iconeus hires quality and regulatory affairs manager in readiness for clinical applications
- Three new staff members join Iconeus
- New Application Specialist with engineering and neuroscience expertise joins Iconeus team
- Iconeus funds Ph.D. research into functional ultrasound
- Iconeus welcomes two new staff in project management and marketing communication
- New Application Specialist to strengthen ties with neuroscience researchers
- New staff appointment to enhance in-house software expertise
- Enhancement of Mediodorsal Thalamus Rescues Aberrant Belief Dynamics in a Novel Mouse Model for Schizophrenia.
- Functional Cerebral Neurovascular Mapping During Focused Ultrasound Peripheral Neuromodulation of Neuropathic Pain.
- Specific and non-uniform brain states during cold perception in mice.
- Dynamics of cerebral blood volume during and after middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats – Comparison between ultrafast ultrasound and dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced MRI measurements.
- Circuit mechanism for suppression of frontal cortical ignition during NREM sleep.
- Chronic brain functional ultrasound imaging in freely moving rodents performing cognitive tasks.
- Decoding motor plans using a closed-loop ultrasonic brain-machine interface.
- Functional ultrasound imaging of stroke in awake rats.
- Dissecting Multiparametric Cerebral Hemodynamics using Integrated Ultrafast Ultrasound and Multispectral Photoacoustic Imaging.
- Swept-3-D Ultrasound Imaging of the Mouse Brain Using a Continuously Moving 1-D-Array-Part II: Functional Imaging.
- Human brain mapping using co-registered fUS, fMRI and ESM during awake brain surgeries: A proof-of-concept study.
- Commentary to Brain-wide continuous functional ultrasound imaging for real-time monitoring of hemodynamics during ischemic stroke
- Editorial: In vivo functional neuroimaging for pharmacology.
- Swept-3-D Ultrasound Imaging of the Mouse Brain Using a Continuously Moving 1-D-Array-Part I: Doppler Imaging.
- Functional ultrasound reveals effects of MRI acoustic noise on brain function.
- Time-lagged Functional Ultrasound for Multi- parametric Cerebral Hemodynamic Imaging.
- Editorial: Awake functional imaging of small animals.
- Case report: High-resolution, intra-operative µDoppler-imaging of spinal cord hemangioblastoma.
- Functional ultrasound detects frequency-specific acute and delayed S-ketamine effects in the healthy mouse brain.
- Microscale acoustic metamaterials as conformal sonotransparent skull prostheses.
- Filler-Enhanced Piezoelectricity of Poly-L-Lactide and Its Use as a Functional Ultrasound-Activated Biomaterial.
- High-Level Synthesis Design of Scalable Ultrafast Ultrasound Beamformer With Single FPGA.
- Co-variations of cerebral blood volume and single neurons discharge during resting state and visual cognitive tasks in non-human primates.
- Decoding behavior from global cerebrovascular activity using neural networks.
- Functional imaging of the exposed brain.
- Functional ultrasound imaging reveals 3D structure of orientation domains in ferret primary visual cortex.
- Correction to: Deconvolution of the Functional Ultrasound Response in the Mouse Visual Pathway Using Block-Term Decomposition.
- Evaluation of Non-invasive Optogenetic Stimulation with Transcranial Functional Ultrasound Imaging.
- A window to the brain: ultrasound imaging of human neural activity through a permanent acoustic window.
- Brain-wide mapping of resting-state networks in mice using high-frame rate functional ultrasound.
- Brain-wide continuous functional ultrasound imaging for real-time monitoring of hemodynamics during ischemic stroke.
- Mapping Pharmacologically Evoked Neurovascular Activation and Its Suppression in a Rat Model of Tremor Using Functional Ultrasound: A Feasibility Study.
- The Emergence of Functional Ultrasound for Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interface.
- Deep-fUS: A Deep Learning Platform for Functional Ultrasound Imaging of the Brain Using Sparse Data
- Impaired Local and Long-Range Brain Connectivity and Visual Response in a Genetic Rat Model of Hyperactivity Revealed by Functional Ultrasound
- Altered Cortical Trigeminal Fields Excitability by Spreading Depolarization Revealed with in Vivo Functional Ultrasound Imaging Combined with Electrophysiology
- Randomized Spatial Downsampling-Based Cauchy-RPCA Clutter Filtering for High-Resolution Ultrafast Ultrasound Microvasculature Imaging and Functional Imaging.
- Covariations between pupil diameter and supplementary eye field activity suggest a role in cognitive effort implementation
- Ultrasonic Methods for Brain Imaging: Techniques and Implications.
- In Vivo Functional Ultrasound (fUS) Real-Time Imaging and Dosimetry of Mice Brain Under Radiofrequency Exposure
- In vivo whole brain microvascular imaging in mice using transcranial 3D Ultrasound Localization Microscopy.
- Functional ultrasound imaging of recent and remote memory recall in the associative fear neural network in mice
- Ultrasound localization microscopy and functional ultrasound imaging reveal atypical features of the trigeminal ganglion vasculature
- Functional ultrasound localization microscopy reveals brain-wide neurovascular activity on a microscopic scale.
- Active neural coordination of motor behaviors with internal states.
- Cranial window for longitudinal and multimodal imaging of the whole mouse cortex.
- Multiscale imaging informs translational mouse modeling of neurological disease.
- Pharmaco-fUS in cognitive impairment: Lessons from a preclinical model.
- Type 2 diabetes albuminuric and non-albuminuric phenotypes have different morphological and functional ultrasound features of diabetic kidney disease.
- The developments and applications of functional ultrasound imaging.
- Retinal functional ultrasound imaging (rfUS) for assessing neurovascular alterations: a pilot study on a rat model of dementia.
- Deconvolution of the Functional Ultrasound Response in the Mouse Visual Pathway Using Block-Term Decomposition.
- Global dissociation of the posterior amygdala from the rest of the brain during REM sleep.
- High-sensitivity detection of optogenetically-induced neural activity with functional ultrasound imaging
- A functional ultrasound brain GPS for automatic vascular-based neuronavigation
- Functional ultrasound imaging of the spreading activity following optogenetic stimulation of the rat visual cortex
- Hemodynamic response to sensory stimulation in mice: Comparison between functional ultrasound and optoacoustic imaging
- Optogenetic fUSI for brain-wide mapping of neural activity mediating collicular-dependent behaviors
- Single-trial decoding of movement intentions using functional ultrasound neuroimaging
- Inter-subject registration and application of the SIGMA rat brain atlas for regional labeling in functional ultrasound imaging
- Transcranial ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy of brain vasculature in patients
- Functional ultrasound imaging: a new imaging modality for neuroscience
- Whole-brain 3D activation and functional connectivity mapping in mice using transcranial functional ultrasound imaging
- Bedside functional monitoring of the dynamic brain connectivity in human neonates
- Imaging the response to deep brain stimulation in rodent using functional ultrasound
- Large-scale functional ultrasound imaging of the spinal cord reveals in-depth spatiotemporal responses of spinal nociceptive circuits in both normal and inflammatory states
- Adaptive modulation of brain hemodynamics across stereotyped running episodes
- Challenges and perspectives of the hybridization of PET with functional MRI or ultrasound for neuroimaging
- Functional ultrasound speckle decorrelation-based velocimetry of the brain
- Pharmaco-fUS: Quantification of pharmacologically-induced dynamic changes in brain perfusion and connectivity by functional ultrasound imaging in awake mice
- Transfer functions linking neural calcium to single voxel functional ultrasound signal
- Functional imaging evidence for task-induced deactivation and disconnection of a major default mode network hub in the mouse brain
- Changes in spinal cord hemodynamics reflect modulation of spinal network with different parameters of epidural stimulation
- 4D Functional imaging of the rat brain using a large aperture row-column array
- Chronic imaging of mouse brain: From optical systems to functional ultrasound
- Ultrafast ultrasound imaging pattern analysis reveals distinctive dynamic brain states and potent sub-network alterations in arthritic animals
- Acoustic biomolecules enhance hemodynamic functional ultrasound imaging of neural activity
- Early ultrafast ultrasound imaging of cerebral perfusion correlates with ischemic stroke outcomes and responses to treatment in mice
- Functional ultrasound imaging of deep visual cortex in awake nonhuman primates
- Circulating tPA contributes to neurovascular coupling by a mechanism involving the endothelial NMDA receptors
- A large aperture row column addressed probe for in vivo 4D ultrafast doppler ultrasound imaging
- Ultrafast doppler for neonatal brain imaging
- 4D Functional ultrasound imaging of whole-brain activity in rodents
- Functional ultrasound imaging of the brain reveals propagation of task-related brain activity in behaving primates
- Oxytocin receptor agonist reduces perinatal brain damage by targeting microglia
- Functional Ultrasound Imaging of Spinal Cord Hemodynamic Responses to Epidural Electrical Stimulation: A Feasibility Study
- Microvascular flow dictates the compromise between spatial resolution and acquisition time in ultrasound localization microscopy
- Local hippocampal fast gamma rhythms precede brain-wide hyperemic patterns during spontaneous rodent REM sleep
- 3D functional ultrasound imaging of pigeons
- Whole-brain functional ultrasound imaging reveals brain modules for visuomotor integration
- Multi-parametric functional ultrasound imaging of cerebral hemodynamics in a cardiopulmonary resuscitation model
- Evidence from functional ultrasound imaging of enhanced contralesional microvascular response to somatosensory stimulation in acute middle cerebral artery occlusion/reperfusion in rats: A marker of ultra-early network reorganization?
- Ultrasound localization microscopy and super-resolution: A state of the art
- Adaptive spatiotemporal SVD clutter filtering for ultrafast doppler imaging using similarity of spatial singular vectors
- Multi-scale mapping along the auditory hierarchy using high-resolution functional ultrasound in the awake ferret
- Functional ultrasound neuroimaging: A review of the preclinical and clinical state of the art
- Functional ultrasound imaging of brain activity in human newborns
- Intraoperative functional ultrasound imaging of human brain activity
- Transcranial functional ultrasound imaging in freely moving awake mice and anesthetized young rats without contrast agent
- 3D Functional ultrasound imaging of the cerebral visual system in rodents
- Subwavelength motion-correction for ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy
- Light controls cerebral blood flow in naive animals
- Transcriptomic regulations in oligodendroglial and microglial cells related to brain damage following fetal growth restriction
- Simultaneous recording of neuronal and vascular dynamics in mobile animals
- Ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy for deep super-resolution vascular imaging
- 4D Microvascular imaging based on ultrafast doppler tomography
- Resolution limits of ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy
- Multiplane wave imaging increases signal-to-noise ratio in ultrafast ultrasound imaging
- Transcranial functional ultrasound imaging of the brain using microbubble-enhanced ultrasensitive doppler
- EEG and functional ultrasound imaging in mobile rats
- Spatiotemporal clutter filtering of ultrafast ultrasound data highly increases doppler and fultrasound sensitivity
- Functional ultrasound imaging of intrinsic connectivity in the living rat brain with high spatiotemporal resolution
- Functional ultrasound imaging reveals different odor-evoked patterns of vascular activity in the main olfactory bulb and the anterior piriform cortex
- Ultrafast doppler reveals the mapping of cerebral vascular resistivity in neonates
- Ultrafast imaging in biomedical ultrasound [Review]
- Functional ultrasound imaging of the brain: Theory and basic principles
- Imaging of perfusion, angiogenesis, and tissue elasticity after stroke
- Functional ultrasound imaging to study brain dynamics: Application of pharmaco-fUS to atomoxetine
- Pharmaco-fUS for characterizing drugs for Alzheimer’s disease – The case of THN201, a drug combination of Donepezil plus Mefloquine
- Functional ultrasound imaging of the brain